Are you curious to know how many pins can you pin a day on Pinterest or how many pins are enough to attract a targeted audience? Then you are at the right spot. Here you will find answers to all of your queries related to pinning frequency on Pinterest.
But let me first tell you why you should even be bothered to post on Pinterest. Pinterest is a visual search engine used by approximately 463 million active users to find inspiration and plan. Most of these active users are from the United States.
These statistics of 2023 show you why your blog or business should have a presence on Pinterest.
Promoting your business on Pinterest is simply called Pinterest marketing. It is an amazing tool to create brand awareness, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website. You can monetize this traffic with ads on your website, affiliate marketing, or by selling your own product or service.
To learn more about Pinterest marketing, click here to read.
How to be Successful on Pinterest?
You must have heard that to be successful on Pinterest you need to improve Pinterest SEO, create visually pleasing pin designs, and write click-worthy pin copy.
No doubt these are the most important parameters determining your success on Pinterest. But there are a few other factors as well which play a vital role in determining the fate of your Pinterest journey. One of them is the pinning frequency and this why you should know how many pins you can pin a day on Pinterest. This is what we will be talking about now.
Also read:
How to write perfect Pinterest pin title?
How to write pin description to attract the audience?
List of best call to action ideas.
What is Pinning Frequency?
Pinning frequency can be simply defined as the number of times you pin on Pinterest. It varies for each Pinterest user.

Is it Important to Know When and How to Post?
Yes, it is important. Finding an answer to how many pins can you pin a day will only help you more if you know when and how to post. It will play a major role in the growth of your Pinterest account.
It is something, that new Pinterest users either don’t know of or don’t give it much consideration. But let me very clearly tell you it matters a lot and will reflect in the performance of your Pinterest account over time.
If you are also confused when and how to post on Pinterest, don’t worry I will guide you through.
The best time to post on Pinterest depends on when your audience is active on Pinterest. According to a few studies, users are more active on Pinterest in the evening hours.
You can also use Tailwind and connect it to your account and see what the optimal times for you are to post.
Another important factor to consider while posting is specifically about seasonal and holiday-related content. If you post some Christmas-related pins in March, then definitely you should not expect a lot of shares and saves. But if you post a similar pin in September or October then you may see it picking up the momentum over time.
This is because Pinterest users like to get inspiration and plan a couple of months ahead of the holiday season. Considering this, if you post Christmas-related content at the start of December then more chances are that it will not show good results because this is the time when people are already done with the planning phase.
So, as far as ‘when’ to post on Pinterest is concerned you need to keep in mind a few important points.
- Post mostly at evening times.
- Use the tailwind scheduler to see the best timings to post according to your audience.
- Post seasonal content 2 to 3 months in advance.
Now let me help you figure out ‘how’ to post on Pinterest. When you have created a pin image and you are ready to post it on Pinterest, keep in mind to use relevant keywords in the title and description. This does not mean you need to stuff the keywords. Another thing that you need to avoid is the use of hashtags, they are not at all required on Pinterest anymore. Don’t forget to add a convincing call to action in your pin description.
The next important thing to consider is to post the pin to the most relevant board. This helps the Pinterest algorithm to categorize your pin and show it to the targeted audience.
So let me just summarize the important points about ‘how‘ to post a pin.
- Write pin title and description using relevant keywords.
- Avoid keyword stuffing.
- Add a proper call to action.
- Avoid hashtags
- Post it to the most relevant Pinterest board.
If you want to read more about Pinterest SEO, click here.
How Many Pins Can You Pin a Day?
Although there is no set number of pins given by Pinterest that are allowed per day. But considering the best practices by experts and my personal experience, I can definitely guide you on how many pins can you pin a day.
Pinterest loves new and fresh pins. A new pin means a completely new pin design. This may seem like a lot of work but you can speed it up by using Pinterest pin templates.
If you want to use my free Pinterest pin templates just fill in the form below, and your copy of free Pinterest pin templates will arrive in your inbox.
Now coming back to the topic of how many pins can you pin a day. It is recommended to post 5 to 10 new pin images a day. While posting pins keep in mind that do not repeat the same URL within 24 hours. The best practice is to use the same URL after 7 days.
If you do not have much content on your blog or website to create 5 to 10 pins every day, then there is nothing to worry about. Creating a single new pin in a day will also help your Pinterest account to grow but the key is to stay consistent with your pinning strategy and keep on revising it over time as you have more content to post about.
You should not forget that consistent pinning plays a more vital role in Pinterest’s success.
Pinning a single new pin every day consistently will bear more fruitful results than pinning 10 new pins a day and then not pinning for 2 weeks.
Consistent pinning helps the Pinterest algorithm to detect continuous activity on your account and thus it keeps showing it to more audiences.
Learn here how to get followers on Pinterest.
Should You Post Daily on Pinterest?
Yes, without any doubt you should post every day. As I already mentioned, pinning every day is more crucial than the number of pins posted each day.
Regular activity on your Pinterest account will show the Pinterest algorithm that this is an active account and will boost the reach of your account.
Is There a Limit on Pinterest Pins Per Day?
In technical terms, there is no limit to the number of pins posted each day. This doesn’t mean that you should post 50 pins a day and spam your audience. This will not help you and your account.
As I have already mentioned, 5 to 10 and at most 15 pins per day are enough, and most importantly stay consistent with your pinning strategy.
Also, keep in mind that you should be more focused on quality rather than quantity. No one likes to see 50 ugly pins a day. Do you? (I know your answer).
Also read how to go viral on Pinterest.
How Many Pins Can You Pin in an Hour?
Pinterest has not described any limitations on the number of pins posted in an hour. However, according to Pinterest experts and my experience, I have a useful suggestion for you.
This is an important factor to consider while figuring out how many pins can you pin a day. If you have decided to post 5 pins a day, then first figure out where your target audience is based. What is their time zone and when are they most active?
Once you have figured out that, for example, they are most active from 7 to 9 a.m. and 8 to 11 p.m. You should try to distribute your pins at different times during these active hours rather than posting all 5 pins at once at 7 a.m.
Posting at different times of the day will also help you see when your audience interacts with your content more. Once you have found out this, you can utilize that time period for posting most of your pins.
How Many Pins Should I Post Per Week?
Apart from knowing how many pins can you pin a day you might want to know how many pins you should be posting per week. The number of pins that you will post in a week depends on your daily pinning frequency. If you are comfortable with pinning 5 to 6 pins a day, then you should be pinning 35 to 42 pins in a week. This is a really good number of pins to keep your account active and enhance its reach.
How Many Total Pins can You Have on Your Pinterest Account?
On Pinterest you can have 200,000 Pins, including Pins on secret boards and Pins on group boards for personal accounts.
Let’s wrap it up: How Many Pins Can You Pin a Day on Pinterest?
Pinterest is a visual search engine and Pinterest users mainly use it for inspiration and planning. Realizing this fact, Pinterest wants to show new and fresh content to its audience every time. This is why Pinterest encourages and promotes new pins to wider audiences.
As a blogger or business owner, who is using Pinterest to reach its target audience and drive traffic to your website you need to provide fresh content regularly. In order to find out an answer to a question that all bloggers and online business owners have, that is how many pins can you pin a day, you need to map out a Pinterest pinning strategy that works well for you and your account.
According to Pinterest experts, pinning 5 to 10 quality and fresh pins on Pinterest is a good way forward. Along with the number, the timing of pinning is also very important. Try to pin most of your pins during the time period when your audience is more active and likely to interact. This will increase the chances of engagement and may result in your content going viral.
if you found this blog post about how many pins can you pin a day helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends. Also, read the answers to the most frequently asked questions below.

Here are answers to a few questions related to how many pins can you pin a day that will help you better understand about pinning strategy.
Can Pinterest ban you for saving pins?
Pinterest can only ban you for saving pins that violate the Pinterest community guidelines.
Can you make money on Pinterest by just posting pins?
Pinterest itself doesn’t pay you for pinning. But if you are working as a Pinterest manager or a marketer and pinning for your client, then you can make money on Pinterest.
What is considered spam on Pinterest?
Creating a lot of unwanted pins, and deceptive content, and following a lot of other accounts in one go is considered spam on Pinterest.
To know what other practices can get you flagged as spam read Pinterest’s community guidelines.
Is there any limit to pins, boards, and follows on Pinterest?
Yes, according to Pinterest’s official site, there is a limit to pins, boards, and follows.
You can create a total of 2,000 boards, including secret boards and group boards. This includes group boards that you even haven’t created yourself but are a part of them.
You can pin a total of 200,000 Pins. This includes pins in secret boards and pins in group boards for personal accounts.
You can follow a maximum of 50,000 accounts.
Is there a limit to the number of people who can follow me?
No, there is no limit to the number of accounts that follow you.
Read here, how to get more followers on Pinterest.
How many Pinterest pins per blog post?
It totally depends on the individual choice and the number of blog posts you have. If you have a lot of blog posts and continuously posting more blog posts then creating two pins per blog post per month can be enough. But if you have less content then you should be creating 4 different pins per month for the same blog post and posting them 7 days apart. This will help you draw traction to your blog post.

I am a passionate blogger who loves sharing insights on blogging tips, Pinterest strategies, and making money online. With a knack for simplifying complex concepts, I help readers grow their online presence and achieve their Pinterest marketing goals. Follow along for practical advice and proven tactics to elevate your blog, Pinterest and online business.