Popular Pinterest Niches to grow

List of Best Pinterest Niches to Choose and Make Money

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Pinterest is a very popular platform that is used to search for creative ideas and get inspiration. This makes Pinterest a powerhouse for bloggers and business owners to create scroll-stopping pins and turn their passion into profit. But remember this is only possible if the right Pinterest niche is selected. Keeping this in view, I have created a list of the most popular Pinterest niches to choose from.

Here, you will find a comprehensive list of the best Pinterest niches. You can choose one that aligns with your blog or business. This will provide you with a great opportunity to grow your online presence.

But before diving into the list of Pinterest niches, let’s have a quick look at Pinterest statistics and demographics. This will further help us understand the behavior of the audience on Pinterest and assist us in finalizing a perfect Pinterest niche.

popular Pinterest niches

Pinterest Statistics & Demographics

There are 463 million active Pinterest users worldwide. Most of the Pinterest users are from the United States. The majority of the active users use Pinterest on mobiles or tablets.

Females are the prominent users of this platform, but lately, male users are also increasing. In terms of age group, Pinterest users are mostly between the age groups of 18-24 years, followed by 25-34 years and 35-44 years.

age and gender of Pinterest users

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Best Pinterest Niches

Here is a complete and comprehensive list of popular Pinterest niches that can attract a large number of audiences and help grow your blog and business.


Art is the most popular Pinterest niche. Pinterest users are mostly interested in photography, art tutorials, and illustration.

art Pinterest niche


The second most popular niche is entertainment. In this category, people show more interest in movies, celebrities, humor, and gaming.

entertainment pinterest niche

Home Decor

79% of Pinterest users show interest in home decor. Popular subcategories related to this are room décor, wall decor, storage, and organization.

home decor Pinterest niche

Diy and Crafts

Creative categories such as Diy and Crafts are very popular on Pinterest. Common interests in this niche include Diy home and decorations, fabric crafts, Diy projects, Diy events, and Diy stationery.

Diy and Crafts

Women’s Fashion

The majority of Pinterest users are females, so women’s fashion is also very popular on Pinterest. The most commonly searched category in this niche is women’s style. Followed by women’s active wear, jewelry, accessories, and dresses.

women's fashion Pinterest niche


Design is also a good niche to choose for Pinterest. According to Pinterest stats, 71% of Pinterest users show interest in this category. The most searched topics in this niche are web and app design, business and advertising design, and logo design.

pinterest niche design


The female audience of Pinterest is also interested in beauty. Common interests in this niche are hair, skincare, makeup, and nails.

beauty pinterest niche


Unexpectedly education is also one of the popular niches on Pinterest. Commonly searched topics in this niche are teacher resources for different subjects and homeschooling.

pinterest niche about education


66% of Pinterest users show interest in health-related content. Diet, nutrition, and lifestyle are particularly famous topics in this niche.

Pinterest Niche ideas

Event Planning

Event planning is a creative topic, so there is no doubt about its popularity on Pinterest. Users are particularly interested in holiday planning, ideas for hosting occasions, and gift ideas.

event planning pinterest niche


Another popular niche on Pinterest is quotes. A large number of people on Pinterest search for quotes by genre.

pinterest quotes niche

Food and Drinks

Niches related to foods and drinks also do well on Pinterest. Pinterest users are usually searching for meal planning, dessert recipes, and different cuisines.

food and drinks


The next Pinterest niche on the list is sports. Most common searches related to this niche are about fitness and exercise. Apart from this other sports are also searched on Pinterest but to a lesser extent.


Pinterest is a very visual platform, so the travel niche also performs very well on Pinterest. Pinterest users use Pinterest to look for famous travel destinations, ideas, and tips.

travel pinterest niche


As most of the Pinterest users are females, many mothers use Pinterest to search for parenting tips, advice, and family activities. So, if you blog about Parenting or if your business is related to this niche, you should promote your content and products on Pinterest.

You can read about Pinterest marketing tips here.

parenting pinterest niche


Wedding-related content also performs well on Pinterest. People commonly search for wedding themes, décor, and outfits.

wedding pinterest niche


If you work around the architecture niche, you should explore your chances to grow on Pinterest. According to Pinterest analytics, 35% of its users are interested in this niche. Common searches that they perform are about residential, commercial, and office architecture. 

architecture Pinterest niche


Electronics are not very popular on Pinterest. But still, there are Pinterest users who search for cell phones and accessories.

electronics Pinterest niche


However, this niche is also not very high-performing on Pinterest but pet and pet supplies-related content and products tend to perform well.

animal pinterest niche


Pinterest users interested in the gardening niche mostly search about planting, garden design, and types.


Men’s Fashion

As I mentioned earlier, male users are also increasing on Pinterest. This is why men’s fashion is also getting popular on Pinterest. Commonly searched queries on Pinterest related to this niche are men’s style, outfits, and accessories.

men's fashion

Children’s Fashion

Many mothers also use Pinterest to take inspiration for children and teen clothing. So, this can be a good niche to work on.

children's Pinterest niche


Only 13% of Pinterest users are interested in this niche and they mostly search for cars, followed by motorcycles and scooters.

vehicles Pinterest niche


Last on the list of Pinterest niches is finance. According to Pinterest’s statistics, this is not a very popular niche on Pinterest. But people who are interested in this niche like to learn about financial planning, money making, and money-saving tips.

finance Pinterest niche

Wrapping Up – Best Pinterest Niches

Pinterest is a very popular and diverse platform. The majority of the Pinterest audiences are females but now male users are also increasing. This means many new niches are becoming popular on Pinterest.

This blog post has a complete list of popular Pinterest niches. Choosing the Pinterest niche that aligns with your blog and business is very important for success on Pinterest. But remember selecting a good Pinterest niche, is only the first step in your Pinterest success. You will need to create scroll-stopping pins, write click-worthy Pinterest pin titles and descriptions, and have a consistent pinning strategy to be successful on Pinterest.

Download free Pinterest pin templates here.


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If you have any queries, let me know in the comments.

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Pinterest niches

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