pinterest marketing strategy

10 Steps of Pinterest Marketing Strategy Revealed

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If you are a blogger or a business owner and want to develop a Pinterest marketing strategy for your business, then you are at the right place.

Let’s begin.

You should come up with a simple yet effective Pinterest marketing strategy for your business to grow and flourish. This will help you as a powerful marketing tool for your business.

What is Pinterest Marketing Strategy?

Pinterest is much more than just a social media platform. It is a visual search engine.

You share your content in the form of pins with other pinners. When used strategically it helps you bring traffic to your blog and business.

So, Pinterest marketing is all about how strategically you increase traffic to your blog by optimizing your profile and creating pins that result in an increase in your revenue.

Read here, how to design scroll-stopping Pinterest pins.

Why Use Pinterest for Marketing?

Though there are many forms of digital marketing like Google ads, social media marketing, and email marketing which can be used to market your blog or business. But they will take way longer to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your business.

Now let me tell you how Pinterest marketing will benefit you.

When you are a blogger or a business owner you need a lot of new and right audience for your blog or business. The most effective way to do this is by using Pinterest because it will help you achieve your goals way faster.

This is why I came up with a step-by-step Pinterest marketing strategy for you.

Read here how to get more followers on Pinterest.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy and tips

Pinterest Marketing Strategy for Beginners

1. Define Your Ideal Customer Avatar

You should be very clear about what are you using Pinterest for.

There are 459 million active Pinterest users. But all of them cannot be your target audience.

So, it is very important to write about your ideal customer avatar like what is their gender, age, demographics, hobbies, interests, dreams, desires, and what makes them struggle. Then write down how your content or product can serve them and solve their problem.

Now that you know whom to attract and create content for you are on the right path to use Pinterest as a digital marketing tool for your business.

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    2. Create a Pinterest Business Account

    Once you have created your ideal client’s avatar, it’s time to create a Pinterest business account.

    If you don’t have a Pinterest account previously then you can create a new one or if you have a personal account, you can convert it to a business account for free.

    I would recommend you create a new business account for your blog or business rather than converting your previously existing personal account into a business account.

    This will help you keep your content related to your niche. It doesn’t look professional to have a birthday decor inspiration board in your business account related to freelance writing services. Do you agree?

    A business account is essential for Pinterest Marketing Strategy because it unlocks many important features such as analytics and claiming your website.

    3. Create Pinterest Boards

    The next step is to create Pinterest boards.

    Pinterest boards are like folders and pins are like documents you keep in them. So, boards will keep your profile and pins organized.

    At the start create 5 to 10 boards relevant to your niche. For example, if you are a clothing business you can create boards like summer fashion trends, holiday fashion trends, formal outfits, etc.

    If you want to know which keywords are trending for fashion bloggers and businesses, read here.

    After creating boards, you also need to write well-optimized descriptions for them.

    4. Content Strategy

    If you are a blogger, you are covered but if you are a business, you need to create a blog where you can write about your business and products.

    This is necessary because Pinterest loves new content that will help you attract the target audience. And the most effective way to create new content for Pinterest is to have blog posts or videos related to your niche which can be shared on Pinterest.

    This way each week you will have something new to share with your audience on Pinterest, which will in return increase your blog traffic and sales.

    If you want to start a blog, read a complete guide here.

    5. Create Pinterest Pins

    Let’s come to the fun part. Pinterest pins are posts that you create for Pinterest and are linked back to your content or products.

    You should create pins for your existing content as well as new content.

    Your pins should have attractive and eye-catching visuals and text overlays. Creating a lot of pins can be time-consuming.

    If you want to save time that can be utilized for other important business-related tasks, you can shop fully optimized and click-worthy Pinterest pin templates here.

    It will make your pin-creating task very easy. You would just need to edit a few things according to your needs in Canva which is just a matter of seconds.

    Well optimized pins are essential part of Pinterest marketing strategy.

    Read here, how to design Pinterest pins.

    6. Pinterest SEO

    Let’s talk about Pinterest SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization and you cannot design your Pinterest marketing strategy without understanding Pinterest SEO.

    The Pinterest algorithm looks into your profile, boards, and pins and then understands what your content is about, and then distributes it to the audience that might be interested in your content.

    You can use Pinterest SEO to help Pinterest analyze your content better and show it to the interested audience. This will help your pins to reach more and more people and show higher up in search results when someone types a keyword. Remember keywords are king on Pinterest.

    Learn about Pinterest SEO in detail, here.

    Also read, how to find Pinterest Keywords.

    Download Pinterest SEO checklist here.

    Pinterest SEO Free Checklist

    An ultimate checklist for pinning success!

    Get this step-by-step checklist in your inbox by subscribing below.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      7. Pinterest Automation

      Learning about all the important benefits which Pinterest can bring to your blog or business, does not necessarily mean that you have to spend hours every day on this platform.

      What you need to do is mostly focus on your blog post and content and then spare a day when you create pins for your blog posts and the next day schedule them for the complete month.

      Yes, it is this simple and this is known as Pinterest automation. You can schedule your pins on Tailwind or Pinterest itself.

      This will help your Pinterest account stay updated and fresh content will be continuously going out.

      And did I tell you that Pinterest loves new content?

      By saying new content, I mean new Pinterest pins that can be directed to your old or new blog posts.

      Also read:

      How to design Pinterest pins quickly.

      How many pins to pin a day?

      8. Grow an Email List

      While driving traffic to your blog keep in mind that you should have a plan about what you want those blog visitors to do.

      Do you want them to shop from your blog, hire your services, or buy products that you are an affiliate for?

      Whatever you want the visitors to do, don’t forget to make them sign up for your email list.

      Building your email list is a really helpful strategy to grow your business by sending emails to your audience about your new content, product, or ongoing offers.

      Growing an email list is an essential benefit that you can get with a proper Pinterest marketing strategy.

      9. Make Money on Pinterest

      By implementing all the above strategies, you will be bringing traffic to your blog.

      But that is not the only important thing. You should have a plan to monetize this traffic and make money.

      Some of the ways to make money are by offering your services, selling digital or physical products, affiliate marketing, or ads.

      You need to figure out what can you do to monetize your traffic. Multiple money-making strategies can also be employed.

      You can also read:

      How to make money on Pinterest.

      11 online business ideas.

      10. Analyze and Repeat Pinterest Marketing Strategy

      Analyzing and repeating what resonates well with your audience is so important.

      Doing more of what is performing well will help you grow faster on Pinterest. This is an important step in your Pinterest marketing strategy.

      Always keep an eye on analytics and trends that are performing well for your audience. This will help you to create and plan similar content for the future to grow your account, traffic and eventually your business.

      Wrapping Up – Pinterest Marketing Strategy

      Pinterest marketing is the best way to grow your blog and business. Implementing simple yet important steps like defining your ideal customer and optimizing your account accordingly. Then going a step further and creating well-optimized boards and pins to grow an email list. Don’t forget to analyze and repeat what works well, this will definitely help your blog or business grow.

      You can also read:

      How to write perfect Pinterest pin titles.

      How to write engaging Pin descriptions.

      How to write converting calls-to-action.

      Pin and share it with your friends.

      pinterest marketing strategies

      You can read about some more Pinterest marketing tips and Pinterest ads here.

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      8 thoughts on “10 Steps of Pinterest Marketing Strategy Revealed”

      1. Really good read, thank you so much for all these insights, I will definitely come back to this blog post. Thank you 😉

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